Hi, my name is Mr. Weiss. I grew up so close to the Kennedy Space Center that when they launched the Space Shuttle, it would literally shake me out of bed. This engendered in me a great love of exploration, science, engineering and nature. Carrying these passions forward, I studied Geology and Astronomy at the University of Florida. (Go Gators!) Then I continued my education at the University of South Carolina. (Go Gamecocks!) While there, I sought answers to the origins of the Earth and the Solar System, curated the Meteorites Exhibit at the McKissick Museum and even developed techniques for studying radiation in tree rings from Cherynobl. Having discovered a passion for education, I moved to New York City to study education at the American Museum of Natural History. Since then I have lived and taught in the Bronx, joining the Bronxdale Community in 2017.
Looking forward is not enough. We must also look up.